In fiscal 2015, NEC is preparing to extend its onsite assessment program to local subsidiaries and manufacturing contractors in China, Thailand and India.

Assessor training given by an NGO

Assessors on a factory inspection

Manager and document check
We have received messages from the two representatives of Inno Community Development Organisation, the NGO that conducted the assessor training in Shanghai, China, on Oct. 28, 2013.

Mr. Dee Lee, Director, Inno
Community Development Organisation

Ms. Haidi Xie, Deputy Director, Inno
Community Development Organisation
Through basic instruction and practice, employees of NEC procurement divisions learned the theory and technique of interviewing supplier employees and acquired a foundation for practical application. Employees were very positive about receiving the training, almost surprisingly so, and they were able to absorb a great deal through lively question-and-answer and discussion sessions. The role-playing with assessors and factory officials offered an exciting challenge that left a real impression.
If there is the opportunity, I hope to be able to sit in on interviews at factories and be of some assistance at actual worksites.
Going forward, I expect to see initiatives and improvements in the area of human rights and labor not only at manufacturing facilities but in other areas of procurement as well.